Source code for genopandas.ngs.cnv

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from genopandas.core.frame import GenomicDataFrame
from genopandas.core.matrix import AnnotatedMatrix, GenomicMatrix

[docs]class CnvValueMatrix(GenomicMatrix): """CnvMatrix containing (segmented) logratio values (positions-by-samples). """
[docs] def as_segments(self, drop_columns=True): """Returns matrix as segments (consecutive stetches with same value). Assumes that values have already been segmented, i.e. that bins in the same segment have been assigned same numeric value. Parameters ---------- drop_columns : bool Whether to drop chromosome, start, end and sample columns after setting the index. Returns ------- GenomicDataFrame GenomicDataFrame describing genomic segments. Indexed by chromosome, start, end and sample. Note that the sample index is included to avoid duplicate index errors when reindexing in cases where samples have identical segments. """ values = self._values.sort_index() # Get segments per sample. segment_data = pd.concat( (self._segments_for_sample(sample_values) for _, sample_values in values.items()), axis=0, ignore_index=True) # yapf: disable # Set index. Note that we add sample here, to avoid running into # duplicate index errors when re-indexing later down the road. # This is a bit of a hack, but GenomicDataFrames shouldn't suffer # from having any extra index entries. segment_data = segment_data.set_index( ['chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'sample'], drop=drop_columns) segments = GenomicDataFrame(segment_data) segments = segments.gloc[self.gloc.chromosomes]
return segments @staticmethod def _segments_for_sample(sample_values): # Calculate segment ids (distinguished by diff values). segment_ids = np.cumsum(_padded_diff(sample_values) != 0) # Get sample and position columns. sample = chrom_col, start_col, end_col = sample_values.index.names # Group and determine positions + values. grouped = sample_values.reset_index().groupby( by=[chrom_col, segment_ids]) segments = grouped.agg({ chrom_col: 'first', start_col: 'min', end_col: 'max', sample: ['first', 'size'] }) # Flatten column levels and rename. segments.columns = ['_'.join(s) for s in segments.columns] segments = segments.rename(columns={ chrom_col + '_first': 'chromosome', start_col + '_min': 'start', end_col + '_max': 'end', sample + '_first': 'value', sample + '_size': 'size' }) # Add sample name and reorder columns. segments = segments.reindex( columns=['chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'value', 'size']) segments['sample'] = sample return segments.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def to_igv(self, file_path): """Saves data for viewing in IGV.""" igv_data = self._values.reset_index() # Rename index columns. igv_columns = ['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End'] column_map = dict(zip(self._values.index.names, igv_columns)) igv_data = igv_data.rename(columns=column_map) # Add 'Feature' column. feature_names = ['P{}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(igv_data.shape[0])] igv_data.insert(4, 'Feature', feature_names) # Write file. with open(file_path, 'w') as file_: print('#type=COPY_NUMBER', file=file_)
igv_data.to_csv(file_, sep='\t', index=False, header=True)
[docs]class CnvCallMatrix(AnnotatedMatrix): """Cnv matrix containing CNV calls (genes-by-samples)."""
[docs] def mask_with_controls(self, column, mask_value=0.0): """Masks calls present in control samples. Calls are retained if (a) no call is present in the matched control sample, (b) if the sample call is more extreme than the control sample or (c) the sample and control have calls with different signs (loss/gain). Matched control samples should be indicated by the given column in the sample_data annotation. """ control_samples = self._sample_data[column].dropna() new_values = self._values.copy() for sample, ctrl in dict(control_samples).items(): mask = self._call_mask(self._values[ctrl], self._values[sample]) new_values.loc[~mask, sample] = mask_value
return self._constructor(new_values) @staticmethod def _call_mask(ctrl_values, sample_values): """Returns mask in which entries are True where ctrl and sample have different signs or the sample has a more extreme value. """ ctrl_sign = np.sign(ctrl_values) sample_sign = np.sign(sample_values) diff_sign = (ctrl_sign - sample_sign).abs() > 1e-8 higher_val = sample_values.abs() > ctrl_values.abs()
return diff_sign | (~diff_sign & higher_val) def _padded_diff(values, pad_value=0): """Same as np.diff, with leading 0 to keep same length as input.""" diff = np.diff(values) return np.pad( diff, pad_width=(1, 0), mode='constant', constant_values=pad_value)