Source code for genopandas.ngs.rna

import numpy as np

from genopandas.core.matrix import AnnotatedMatrix

[docs]class ExpressionMatrix(AnnotatedMatrix): """Matrix containing (gene) expression values (features-by-samples)."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_subread(cls, file_path, sample_data=None, sample_mapping=None, **kwargs): """Reads expression from a subread output file.""" return super().from_csv( file_path, sample_data=sample_data, sample_mapping=sample_mapping, drop_cols=['Chr', 'Start', 'End', 'Strand', 'Length'], index_col=0, sep='\t',
[docs] def normalize(self, size_factors=None, log2=False): """Normalizes expression counts for sequencing depth. Normalizes by dividing sample counts using the given (sample) size factors. If no size factors are given, they are calculated using the median-of-ratios approach used by DESeq2. Parameters ---------- size_factors : np.array Array of size factors, length should be equal to the number of samples. log2 : bool Whether to also log2-transform the normalized counts. Returns ------- ExpressionMatrix ExpressionMatrix containing normalized counts. """ with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): if size_factors is None: size_factors = self._estimate_size_factors(self._values) normalized = self._values.divide(size_factors, axis=1) if log2: normalized = np.log2(normalized + 1)
return self._constructor(normalized) @staticmethod def _estimate_size_factors(counts): """Calculate size factors for DESeq's median-of-ratios normalization.""" def _estimate_size_factors_col(counts, log_geo_means): log_counts = np.log(counts) mask = np.isfinite(log_geo_means) & (counts > 0) return np.exp(np.median((log_counts - log_geo_means)[mask])) with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): log_geo_means = np.mean(np.log(counts), axis=1) size_factors = np.apply_along_axis( _estimate_size_factors_col, axis=0, arr=counts, log_geo_means=log_geo_means)
return size_factors