Source code for pyim.align.pipelines.nextera

"""Module containing the nextera pipeline."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import pysam
import toolz

from pyim.external.bowtie2 import bowtie2
from pyim.external.cutadapt import cutadapt, cutadapt_summary
from pyim.external.util import flatten_arguments
from pyim.model import Insertion
from pyim.util.path import shorten_path, extract_suffix

from .base import Pipeline, register_pipeline
from ..util import extract_insertions

[docs]class NexteraPipeline(Pipeline): """Nextera-based transposon pipeline. Analyzes paired-end sequence data that was prepared using a Nextera-based protocol. Sequence reads are expected to have the following structure:: Mate 1: [Genomic] Mate 2: [Transposon][Genomic] Here, ``transposon`` refers to the flanking part of the transposon sequence and ``genomic`` refers to the genomic DNA located between the transposon sequence and the used adapt sequence. Note that the adapter itself is not sequenced and therefore not part of the reads. However, the end of Mate 1 is considered to terminate at the adapter and as such represents the breakpoint between the genomic DNA and the adapter. The pipeline essentially performs the following steps: - Mates are trimmed to remove the transposon sequence, dropping any reads not containing the transposon. - The remaining mates are trimmed to remove any sequences from the Nextera transposase. - The trimmed mates are aligned to the reference genome. - The resulting alignment is used to identify insertions. Parameters ---------- transposon_path : Path Path to the (flanking) transposon sequence (fasta). bowtie_index_path : Path Path to the bowtie index. bowtie_options : Dict[str, Any] Dictionary of extra options for Bowtie. min_length : int Minimum length for genomic reads to be kept for alignment. min_support : int Minimum support for insertions to be kept in the final output. min_mapq : int Minimum mapping quality of alignments to be used for identifying insertions. merge_distance : int Maximum distance within which insertions are merged. Used to merge insertions that occur within close vicinity, which is typically due to slight variations in alignments. threads : int The number of threads to use for the alignment. """ def __init__(self, transposon_path, bowtie_index_path, bowtie_options=None, min_length=15, min_support=2, min_mapq=23, merge_distance=None, threads=1): super().__init__() self._transposon_path = transposon_path self._index_path = bowtie_index_path self._bowtie_options = bowtie_options or {} self._min_length = min_length self._min_support = min_support self._min_mapq = min_mapq self._merge_distance = merge_distance self._threads = threads @classmethod def configure_args(cls, parser): cls._setup_base_args(parser, paired=True) parser.add_argument('--transposon', type=Path, required=True) parser.add_argument('--bowtie_index', type=Path, required=True) parser.add_argument('--min_length', type=int, default=15) parser.add_argument('--min_support', type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument('--min_mapq', type=int, default=23) parser.add_argument('--merge_distance', type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument('--local', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--threads', default=1, type=int) @classmethod def _extract_args(cls, args): bowtie_options = {'--local': args.local, '--threads': args.threads} return dict( transposon_path=args.transposon, bowtie_index_path=args.bowtie_index, min_length=args.min_length, min_support=args.min_support, min_mapq=args.min_mapq, merge_distance=args.merge_distance, bowtie_options=bowtie_options, threads=args.threads) def run(self, read_path, output_dir, read2_path=None): if read2_path is None: raise ValueError('This pipeline requires paired-end data') logger = logging.getLogger() output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Extract genomic sequences. if logger is not None:'Extracting genomic sequences')' %-18s: %s', 'Transposon', shorten_path(self._transposon_path))' %-18s: %s', 'Minimum length', self._min_length) # Trim reads and align to reference. genomic_path, genomic2_path = self._extract_genomic( read_path, read2_path, output_dir, logger=logger) alignment_path = self._align( genomic_path, genomic2_path, output_dir, logger=logger) # Extract insertions from bam file. bam_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(str(alignment_path)) try: insertions = extract_insertions( iter(bam_file), func=_process_mates, paired=True, merge_dist=self._merge_distance, min_mapq=self._min_mapq, min_support=self._min_support, logger=logger) finally: bam_file.close() # Write insertions to output file. insertion_path = output_dir / 'insertions.txt' ins_frame = Insertion.to_frame(insertions) ins_frame.to_csv(str(insertion_path), sep='\t', index=False) def _extract_genomic(self, read_path, read2_path, output_dir, logger): """Extracts genomic sequences from reads. Extracts genomic sequences by first trimming for mates for the transposon sequence (dropping reads without a match) and then trimming any Nextera transposase sequences from the remaining reads. Filtering for minimum length is performed in the nextera trimming step. """ trimmed_tr_path, trimmed_tr2_path = self._trim_transposon( read_path, read2_path, output_dir, logger=logger) trimmed_nt_path, trimmed_nt2_path = self._trim_nextera( trimmed_tr_path, trimmed_tr2_path, output_dir, logger=logger) trimmed_tr_path.unlink() trimmed_tr2_path.unlink() return trimmed_nt_path, trimmed_nt2_path def _trim_transposon(self, read_path, read2_path, output_dir, logger): """Selects and trims mates with transposon sequence in second read.""" cutadapt_opts = {'-G': 'file:' + str(self._transposon_path), '--discard-untrimmed': True, '--pair-filter=both': True} suffix = extract_suffix(read_path) trimmed_path = output_dir / ('genomic.R1' + suffix) trimmed2_path = output_dir / ('genomic.R2' + suffix) process = cutadapt( read_path=read_path, read2_path=read2_path, out_path=trimmed_path, out2_path=trimmed2_path, options=cutadapt_opts) if logger is not None: summary = cutadapt_summary(process.stdout, padding=' ')'Trimmed transposon sequence' + summary) return trimmed_path, trimmed2_path def _trim_nextera(self, read_path, read2_path, output_dir, logger): """Trims nextera sequences from mates and filters for min length.""" cutadapt_opts = { '-a': 'CTGTCTCTTATA', '-A': 'CTGTCTCTTATA', '--minimum-length': self._min_length, } suffix = extract_suffix(read_path) trimmed_path = output_dir / ('trimmed_nextera.R1' + suffix) trimmed2_path = output_dir / ('trimmed_nextera.R2' + suffix) process = cutadapt( read_path=read_path, read2_path=read2_path, out_path=trimmed_path, out2_path=trimmed2_path, options=cutadapt_opts) if logger is not None: summary = cutadapt_summary(process.stdout, padding=' ')'Trimmed nextera sequences and ' 'filtered for length' + summary) return trimmed_path, trimmed2_path def _align(self, read_path, read2_path, output_dir, logger): """Aligns mates to reference using bowtie2.""" extra_opts = {'--threads': self._threads} options = toolz.merge(self._bowtie_options, extra_opts) # Align reads to genome.'Aligning to reference')' %-18s: %s', 'Reference', shorten_path(self._index_path))' %-18s: %s', 'Bowtie options', flatten_arguments(options)) alignment_path = output_dir / 'alignment.bam' bowtie2( read_paths=[read_path], read2_paths=[read2_path], index_path=self._index_path, output_path=alignment_path, options=options, verbose=True) return alignment_path
register_pipeline(name='nextera', pipeline=NexteraPipeline) def _process_mates(mate1, mate2): ref = mate1.reference_name if mate1.is_reverse: transposon_pos = mate2.reference_start linker_pos = mate1.reference_end strand = 1 else: transposon_pos = mate2.reference_end linker_pos = mate1.reference_start strand = -1 return (ref, transposon_pos, strand), linker_pos