

class pyim.align.pipelines.NexteraPipeline(transposon_path, bowtie_index_path, bowtie_options=None, min_length=15, min_support=2, min_mapq=23, merge_distance=None, threads=1)[source]

Nextera-based transposon pipeline.

Analyzes paired-end sequence data that was prepared using a Nextera-based protocol. Sequence reads are expected to have the following structure:

Mate 1:

Mate 2:

Here, transposon refers to the flanking part of the transposon sequence and genomic refers to the genomic DNA located between the transposon sequence and the used adapt sequence. Note that the adapter itself is not sequenced and therefore not part of the reads. However, the end of Mate 1 is considered to terminate at the adapter and as such represents the breakpoint between the genomic DNA and the adapter.

The pipeline essentially performs the following steps:

  • Mates are trimmed to remove the transposon sequence, dropping any reads not containing the transposon.
  • The remaining mates are trimmed to remove any sequences from the Nextera transposase.
  • The trimmed mates are aligned to the reference genome.
  • The resulting alignment is used to identify insertions.
  • transposon_path (Path) – Path to the (flanking) transposon sequence (fasta).
  • bowtie_index_path (Path) – Path to the bowtie index.
  • bowtie_options (Dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of extra options for Bowtie.
  • min_length (int) – Minimum length for genomic reads to be kept for alignment.
  • min_support (int) – Minimum support for insertions to be kept in the final output.
  • min_mapq (int) – Minimum mapping quality of alignments to be used for identifying insertions.
  • merge_distance (int) – Maximum distance within which insertions are merged. Used to merge insertions that occur within close vicinity, which is typically due to slight variations in alignments.
  • threads (int) – The number of threads to use for the alignment.