Source code for geneviz.tracks.base

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    import seaborn as sns
except ImportError:
    sns = None

[docs]class Track(object): """Abstract base class representing a Geneviz track. Specifies two methods, **draw** and **get_height**, that form the main interface of a track and should be overridden in each subclass. The method **get_height** is used to determine the height of a given track, which determine the (relative) amount of vertical space the track is given when drawn. The **draw** method called by plot_tracks to draw the track on a given axis for a given region. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def get_height(self, region, ax): """Returns the height of the track within the plotting region. Parameters ---------- region : Tuple[str, int, int] The genomic region that will be drawn. Specified as a tuple of (chromosome, start, end). ax : matplotlib.Axes Axis that the track will be drawn on. Used to determine the size of some features that may be dependent on the axis (such as the space required to draw labels etc.). Returns ------- height : int Height of the track within the given region. """ return 1
[docs] def draw(self, region, ax): """Draws the track on the given axis. Parameters ---------- region : Tuple[str, int, int] Genomic region to draw. ax : matplotlib.Axes Axis to draw track on. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DummyTrack(Track): """Dummy track that doesn't draw anything. This track can be used to create a blank axis that can be drawn on manually at a later time point. Parameters ---------- height : int Height of the dummy track. """ def __init__(self, height=1): super().__init__() self._height = height
[docs] def get_height(self, region, ax): """Returns the (fixed) height of the dummy track. Parameters ---------- region : Tuple[str, int, int] The genomic region that will be drawn. Specified as a tuple of (chromosome, start, end). ax : matplotlib.Axes Axis that the track will be drawn on. Returns ------- height : int Height of the dummy track. """ return self._height
[docs] def draw(self, region, ax): """Draws the track on the given axis. This is effectively a no-op for the dummy track. Parameters ---------- region : Tuple[str, int, int] Genomic region to draw. ax : matplotlib.Axes Axis to draw track on. """ pass
[docs]def plot_tracks(tracks, region, figsize=None, height_ratios=None, tick_top=False, padding=(0, 0), reverse=False, despine=False): """Plots given tracks over the specified range on shared axes. Parameters ---------- tracks : List[Track] List of tracks to draw. region : Tuple[str, int, int] Genomic region to draw. figsize : Tuple[int, int] Size of resulting figure, specified as a tuple of (width, height). Height may be omitted (by passing None), in which case the height of the figure will be scaled depending on the heights of the tracks. height_ratios : List[int] Relative heights of each track. tick_top : bool Whether xticks should be plotted along top. padding : Tuple[int, int] Amount of padding to add on the x-axis (in genomic space). reverse : bool Whether the x-axis should be reversed, useful for drawing features on the reverse strand from left to right. Returns ------- Tuple[matplotlib.Figure, matplotlib.Axes] Figure and axes on which was drawn. """ if height_ratios is None: height_ratios = _calc_height_ratios(tracks, region, figsize, reverse) # Create shared axes. figsize = _calc_figsize(figsize, height_ratios) fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(tracks), sharex=True, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': height_ratios}) axes = [axes] if len(tracks) == 1 else axes.flatten() # Remove spacing between tracks. fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) # Set xlim to required region. _, start, end = region if reverse: x_end, x_start = start - padding[1], end + padding[0] else: x_start, x_end = start - padding[0], end + padding[1] axes[0].set_xlim(x_start, x_end) # Plot tracks. for track, ax in zip(tracks, axes): track.draw(region, ax) # Move x-ticks to the top of the figure if requested. if tick_top: axes[0].xaxis.tick_top() for lab in axes[-1].get_xticklabels(): lab.set_visible(False) else: for ax in axes[:-1]: for lab in ax.get_xticklabels(): lab.set_visible(False) # Turn off scientific notation on axes. axes[0].xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) axes[0].xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) if despine: # Adjust spines and labels for more white space. _despine_axes(axes, tick_top) return fig
def _calc_height_ratios(tracks, region, figsize, reverse): """Calculates height ratios based on heights of given tracks.""" # Create dummy figure + axes for drawing. figsize = _calc_figsize(figsize) dummy_fig, dummy_axes = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, nrows=len(tracks)) dummy_axes = [dummy_axes] if len(tracks) == 1 else dummy_axes.flatten() # Set xlimits. if reverse: xlim = region[2], region[1] else: xlim = region[1], region[2] dummy_axes[0].set_xlim(*xlim) # Calculate heights of the tracks. height_ratios = [ t.get_height(region, ax) for t, ax in zip(tracks, dummy_axes) ] # Close dummy figure to prevent drawing. plt.close(dummy_fig) return height_ratios def _calc_figsize(figsize, height_ratios=None): """Calculates figsize, optionally taking height_ratios into account.""" if figsize is None: fig_width, fig_height = None, None else: fig_width, fig_height = figsize if fig_height is None: if height_ratios is not None: fig_height = sum(height_ratios) else: fig_height = 1 if fig_width is None: fig_width = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'][0] return fig_width, fig_height def _despine_axes(axes, tick_top): """Despines track axes using Seaborn, accounting for tick location.""" if sns is None: raise ImportError('Seaborn library is required for despine') sns.despine(ax=axes[0], top=not tick_top, left=True, bottom=True) for ax in axes[1:-1]: sns.despine(ax=ax, bottom=True, left=True) sns.despine(ax=axes[-1], bottom=tick_top, left=True)